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The Team

Kevin Chen

Gameplay/AI Programmer
  • Role

    Gameplay/AI Programmer, Game Design Lead, Producer, Director

  • Degree

    MS in Computer Science

Iris Wu

Graphics Programmer
  • Role

    Graphics Programmer, Graphics/Art Lead, Technical Artist, UI/UX Programmer

  • Degree

    MS in Computer Science

Fei Chiu

Graphics Programmer
  • Role

    Graphics Programmer, Audio Lead, Tools Programmer, Gameplay Programmer

  • Degree

    MS in Computer Science

  • Other Credits

    Saboteur Sprint

Ka Li

Physics Programmer
  • Role

    Physics Programmer, Physics Lead, Engine Programmer, 3D Artist

  • Degree

    MS in Computer Science

Angela Wu

Tools Programmer
  • Role

    Tools Programmer, Engine Programmer

  • Degree

    MS in Computer Science

  • Other Credits

    AL Bot

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